Monday, 31 January 2011
I'm moving....
So this is my last post on here, please subscribe to my new blog Stars and Buttons.
I’ll probably delete this one eventually but will keep it here for a short while so any stragglers know where I am now.
Thank you for reading and I hope you'll continue to follow my crafting adventures.
Thursday, 27 January 2011
Pretty purses
Problem is I managed to lose my camera over the Christmas holidays and so I now don't have any photos of them! I will try to get some pics from the people I gave them to but in the meantime here's a different one I've made since. It's not Liberty fabric but I really like the bright colours anyway - especially as January is proving so gray.
I've been a bit slack with the blog as I'm busy trying to build up some stock of bib sets to sell on my (unlaunched) Etsy shop. Happily I'm selling stuff as soon as I can make it without even getting as far as the Etsy shop. But I will post some new pictures of the stuff I'm making soon.
Saturday, 27 November 2010
Vintage Furniture Flea
In other exciting news I've made my first official sale and I've sold four of my bibs. Admittedly it was to my sister but you have to start somewhere! And after my beautiful goddaughter has been modelling the bib I made her, I've had some very positive feedback from interested London mums as well. So I've been thinking more seriously about pricing, packaging and finally getting some on Etsy for sale in the new year.
However, I thought I'd share some photos from the first ever Vintage Fashion Flea held at York Hall in Bethnal Green London. (Thanks to Amy from Robin & Mould for the tip off.) I always seem to fall in love with things way out of my price range so it was brilliant to see such a great range of vintage furniture at genuinely reasonable prices. I've been looking for a vintage mirror for a while and there were at least three that I loved. I opted for a great deco style one which still has the original clasps. A total bargain for £30 I think. Now I just need to sweet talk my boyfriend into hanging it up in the bedroom.
If only I had more money (and space); there were a couple of amazing bars from the 1950s and loads of beautiful vintage glasses that I wanted. One day I'll get to indulge my love of cocktails and Mad Men with my own bar *sighs wistfully*. I hope they do another Vintage Furniture Flea next year and I think I'll drag the boyfriend along so he can buy me some Christmas presents!
If you're interested there is a Vintage Furniture Flea happening in York soon. You can visit the Affordable Vintage Fair blog for more details.
Monday, 25 October 2010
An Early Halloween Treat
Monday, 6 September 2010
Junk Shop Stool: Before & After

Here's what the stool looked like at various stages along the way:
Sunday, 27 June 2010
Fab purse making course

At the beginning of the class you get to chose your material for the outside and lining from the amazing selection in the on site shop at the Make Lounge. I was in heaven - there were soo many fabrics that were totally my kind of thing. I couldn't help buying a few more for the next lot of bibs on my way out. I even picked up some glue and purse frames determined to make sure I made some more at home so I didn't forget.

As I'm writing this a few months after the course I'm pleased to say I have actually made some bibs with the new fabric and another purse as a birthday gift. Images to follow...I'm very excited!
How cute are these prints?!
Links: Snap Frame Purse course
The Make Lounge
Tuesday, 15 June 2010
The first baby bibs
As one of my friend's has just had a baby and another one is due in a few weeks I wanted to make a unique present for the new arrivals. So I attempted to make some baby bibs with some vintage print fabric. I was pretty pleased and they are definitely more satisfying to make then fiddly curtains!
After drawing a half-bib template freehand, you simply cut out the fabric. Sew together leaving a side gap to turn out he fabric. I great tip I read online was to use a chopstick to help do this.
Then after ironing it flat you sew around the edge again, this time joining the gap. Simple.

I'm looking forward to seeing some photos of the little ones dribbling down them. Will attempt some more styles once the first two have been road tested!